Wednesday, April 6, 2011



1. He is a sleazy t-shirt seller in Japan. Know how come he has so many t-shirts to sell? His boyfriend has a huge collection of shirts that say "I'M WITH STUPID."

2. Hotsy-Totsy Hotta the punk rock t-shirt seller has a nickname. He's SLIT VICIOUS

3. He now calls himself HAPPYPRETTY10 because he's happy that he's pretty much able to stick 10 fingers up his ass. Not his own!

4. "Tomiaki Hotta" is Japanese for "Rotten Sushi."
His mother named him after her smell.

5. How many vintage t-shirts does Tomiaki Hotta use to wipe his ass?
You can't count that high because he's so full of crap.

6. Tomiaki has had 26 retractions in 6 months. But his rice-sized dick is so small, he
was able to go in and out of his boyfriend's ass 26 times and neither felt a thing!

7. Tomiaki is SO CHEAP he re-sells everything.
He goes into Japanese gay bars and grabs old condoms. He washes them out and re-sells them as rain caps for pinheads.

8. Tomiaki Hotta snipers American bidders the way his grandpa did American soldiers.

9. When the cheap creep gets out-bid on something he has a tempura  tantrum!

10. I had a tenth joke but Tomiaki Hotta contacted Blogspot, claimed it was his, and they took it off this page!"



  1. I have no issue with your factual comments - and jokes based on fact. And I can totally understand your anger and frustration. But why resort to racism and homophobia?
    Why make the bizarre presumption that Hotta is gay? And even if he is, what's that got to do with ripping people off - what's the connection? If you want public support you need to think about your jokes a little more.

    I think there is only 1 lesson to be learnt from all the posts on this page, and that is: even if a buyer will not pay for Signed Delivery, for your own peace of mind, pay for it yourself. Protect yourself from scam artists by having shipping/tracking proof which you can show eBay and Paypal.

  2. the photo used on Gilbert's jokes is NOT Tomiaki Hotta. The photo should be removed as it is misleading and you are tainting the innocent man in the photo.

    Tomiaki Hotta has the blog

    And on Yahoo Auctions he sells with the name PONJP1005

    And on eBay he buys using the name 2011LADY1990 (his other accounts have been closed down). Be sure to block him.
